#mmm: rival swap!
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pinkpoweredpunk · 4 months ago
• pinned post •
heya, I’m Blake (they/them). ‘m an ace trainer from Galar, and- well- an ex-champion so if you recognize me that’s probably why. or maybe from the two disasters I helped stop-
anyways! I’ve done a bit of traveling these last few years, I’ve been to the isle of armor, crown tundra, and Kalos. but right now I’m back in my home region Unova for. college I Guess. I’m not super happy about it but whatever grr
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this here’s my ace, Kappa. best Inteleon in the world <33
my current team bc update I ran away from the shitty college that didn’t let me have pokemon with me (don’t ask):
-King (F Serperior)
-Cordelia (F Simipour)
-Beau (M Swoobat)
-Phaedra (F Krookodile)
-Kilobyte (M Eelektrik)
-Lumi (F Lampent)
other 'mons:
-Kappa (M Inteleon)
-Go-Go (F Coalossal)
-Lancelot (M Sirfetch’d)
-Jeanne (F Corviknight)
-Charlie (M Boltund)
-Venom (M Toxtricity)
-Red (M Delphox)
-Basil (M Sylveon)
-Granite (M Tyrantrum)
-Ryu (M Lucario)
-Verde (M Venusaur)
-Stardust (M Meowstic)
-Blister (F Charizard)
-Tulip (F Venusaur)
-Snart (F UD Archen)
-Athena (F Urshifu)
-Tater (F Flapple)
-Potato (M Galarian Slowpoke)
-Audun (M Flygon)
-Zuzu (F Dragapult)
-Azi (F Dreepy)
-Shiverbolt (Arctozolt)
-Alto (M Grookey)
-Oran (M Munchlax)
-Fwoofy (Cosmog)
-Stormy (M Sobble)
-Dewdrop (M Sobble)
-Nessa Jr. (F Sobble)
-Bubble (M Sobble)
-Neptune (F Sobble)
-Flick (F Vivillon)
-Snooze (M Snorlax)
-Pecha (F Grookey X Fomantis hybrid)
-Galahad (M Skarmory)
-Spark (M Galvantula ✨)
uhhh what are some other things about me. well besides pokemon training I enjoy drawing, martial arts, and camping! might post my doodles here from time to time. if I get the chance to go camping I’ll probably post vlogs about that too.
that’s about all you need to know I guess! feel free to shoot me an ask or message whenever you want
update: apparently I have that dog in me. and by that I mean I’m a therian. midday lycanroc most likely
Tag Directory:
#blake post - ic posts made by Blake
#blake rb - ic reblogs from Blake
#doodle tag - for either ic art by Blake or ooc art by mod (usually the former)
#ooc post - mod post
#blake plays hollow knight - literally just me livebloggging my first playthrough of hollow knight but as Blake
#wolf tag - blake posting stuff about their theriotype (rockruff/lycanroc)
#non-canon post - what it says on the tin. mostly for sillyposting
🍃 post- posts made by King
boo post- posts made by their Yamask, Boo
CURRENT ARC: Facets of Truth Arc
Summary: After a slight mishap, Blake finds themself on a spur of the moment journey around the Unova region.
Truth and ideals collide. Balance is put to the test. What outcome will this new formula present?
Tag: #facets of truth arc
Warnings: N/A (for now)
Mini Arc: MMM: Get Baby’d Idiot
Previous Arcs: #MMM: Rival Swap!
hiii Wren here! so this is basically a fresh restart of @pinkhairandpokemon. I decided it would be fun to start at the beginning of their Unova arc this time around. they’re 18 here, and just starting the main story of pokemon black!
I just got kinda… unmotivated to run their old blog anymore?? so I decided it was time for a refresh. SUPER excited to rp as this version of them
this Blake is probably going to be more… standoffish? I guess? not all-out mean but they’re kind of bitchier in this arc of their story (tbf they deserve to be after the shit they went through-) so while they’ll typically be chill in normal interactions they might be like. be a bit more snarky. I’m always scared of being too mean when I rp so please let me know if I need to tone it down!! ;w;
they’ll also probably be a little more discreet about being a chosen. for now anyway :3c they’ll still talk a bit about it but they won’t go super in detail about their powers
mod is 21, and follows from @scrappyscales, but if you need to contact me OOC go to @xgoldenlatiasx
blog list
Magic Anons: On (within reason, and I might not reply to them immediately)
Pelipper Mail/Malice: On
Musharna Mail: On
Union Circle: On
Askbox: Open
(IC hate anons are ok)
I think that’s everything but if you need me to specify if anything else is on lmk.
their old blog will be kept up for archival purposes if anyone still wants to check it out!
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randomkposts · 2 years ago
Hello there 👋! With all the genderbent asked of DN you've received, who are your favourite genderbent characters and which ones do you hate? Which ones do you think will garner hate from the fandom and which ones do you think will be liked?
K:- I can't say I hate any of the gender swapped character in "always a different gender", as I spent enough brain energy on them, but one I found really didn't work for me was Male Syau. There just really wasn't a lot I felt I could do with him that Takada couldn't do better thematically. Female Matsuda could be interesting but is harder to give reason to why she is among the police in that particular time. And Male Sachicko and Fem Sochiro was fun to think about, and offer a lot of variables, which is both good and bad.
E:- Mmm I don't hate anyone at all here in the cast. I love male Misa though.
K:- We have had a lot of fun with Male Misa
As for who I like, Female Near has grown a lot on me, as has Rival Takada, and Cat Misa. I've gotten a lot more invested in all of them then I expected. I never expected posting that Female L convo we had would get so much attention and asks following from it.
I like that Male Misa, and his friendship with Female L has grown to have as much of a dynamic as Lady Light and L.  And that Light and Takada have a one-sided rival dynamic. 
E:-Oh totally. Which is gonna hurt when someone dies. L dying and Misa Misa is going" We have to uh cele-- ummmm"
His voice wavers a bit as he sniffles loudly and claps his hands," celebrate!"
K:-So many hearts are going to break in this climb for godhood. As for the fandom, I couldn't possibly begin to guess. I'm not even great at predicting which of my fanfictions are going to get a lot of attention. 
What about you Eclipse? What are your preferences and predictions
E:-What is godhood if you hesitate to step on the lesser backs?
K:-Being a billionaire, and therefore not a clean path. 
E:-I still prefer to end it with Light lashing out at the world, breaking the skin of the mask she spent so much time sculpting for it to all come down. 
Not sure how it goes that way but Mikami still being a threat as is Misa. 
K:-I don't know how I want it to end.  Many things are going to break though. 
E:-Misa dying after making too many eye deals. 
K:-I don't think that's direct death, as it takes half a remaining lifespan. 
Still, Misa taking an eye deal to get light out of the wearhouse and the Shinigami telling him "you will die tomorrow if you do this."
"Then what matters is what I get done today. Give me the eyes NOW!"
And Misa dies and Victory is both complete and hollow. 
Light didn't make any eye deals, but something in her dies that day, surrounded by the bodies in the warehouse. 
E:- a hollow victory indeed. 
K:- what about you Anon? Who are you favorites, who do you dislike, and how would the fandom react to them based on what you know and observe? 
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tk-writer · 4 years ago
1, 5, 8, 9, and 10 right back at you -tickly-tufts
1. What’s your personal favourite thing you wrote this year?
everything saiouma tbh, especially the saiouma talent swap au! i've never written more than like 5k words in a single setting but i CRANKED that story out in like 3 or 4 days and it ended up being close to 20k! one of my proudest achievements ;_;
5. Which of your fics do you wish was more successful?
mmm i don't know how to answer this because there isn't one fic that i wish had more popularity! i wrote them for fun not cuz i wanna be popular ya know?? although the sweet validation of reblogs and likes does keep me going! maybe the makorra fic?? i know it's not as popular of a ship as korrasami but i still like them together sometimes!
8. Which fic this year was most fun to write?
oh gosh there were a couple i had a lot of fun with!
one was the kagehina There Was Only One Bed story. i just, i love how they're rivals but friends and writing their dynamic was so fun!
AND ANOTHER ONE was the zukaang fic where aang has a sleepover with zuko, i kinda wrote it with my partner in mind and whenever i read it it makes me think of them 🥰
OH OH OH and basically all of the joesara fics!! their friendship is just so pure and sweet, i cluldnt get enough of them!!
sorry this is way more than one sjdhdjdkd
9. If you could go back and change something about one of the fics you wrote this year, what would it be?
i was actually thinking of rewriting the oihina fic with hinata and oikawa. i don't like how it turned out, it doesn't flow like i wanted it to, i stepped out of their characters a bit too much so i'm not 100% happy with it.
also in general i just need to proofread my fics before i post skdjdjdkdjdhd so many plot holes and types
10. What, if anything, are you going to try to do differently in your writing in the new year?
to be honest, i want to focus more on my original short stories and develop my OCs further. it's not that i don't or won't write for fandom anymore, but my dream is so create stories and characters of my own and maybe even start my own fandom!! i have this daydream of people making fan art/writing pages of analysis on my content and it's basically the only thing that excites me anymore skdhdjdkdjshdjdjd idk if im good enough at writing to pull it off though!
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magic-and-moonlit-wings · 6 years ago
Chapter 34: Making Arguments
This didn’t get posted last week because it didn’t match the theme of my April Fools’ Day prank. Thank you for your patience!
Content warning for this chapter: the ‘farming humans as food’ concept is discussed and Changeling!Jim doesn’t quite get why the humans are horrified.
Becoming The Mask
Nomura had successfully avoided Barbara for the entire class. She hadn't been partnered with her, or even made eye contact. Now she just had to get to her car and she would be in the clear for another week.
Curse how the human had longer legs than Nomura did in this form!
"Can I talk to you?"
"Can I stop you?"
Jim leapt over a spinning blade as it erupted from the floor, and used it as a shield from the fire jets, giving him a moment to catch his breath before the floor began to tilt and he had to run again.
He was surprised to realize he'd missed training in the Hero's Forge during his week away from Trollmarket. The Forge was like a friendly rival. It didn't actively wish him harm, not having a conscious mind, but it would utterly crush him if he didn't put his all into one-upping it.
He put on an extra burst of speed to cross the path of a pendulum-axe … but not fast enough to compensate for the tilting floor. The axe clipped his calf. Jim cried out and fell on his stomach.
Barely, he grabbed a floor groove and pulled himself up and forward, so his legs were out of the axe's path on the backswing. Jim climbed to the top edge of the floor section he clung to, and slid down it to the Forge's centre.
"Master Jim!"
The arena rumbled. The training equipment returned to starting positions. Toby and Darci weren't standing alone – Claire and Mary had rejoined them, and Blinky and AAARRRGGHH were at the Forge's controls.
Jim stretched his arms and flexed his hands as he walked over. He should start doing chin-ups or handstands or something. Despite Coach Lawrence's rope drills, Jim wasn't used to suddenly having his full body weight on his hands. If you did the rope drill right, a lot of your body weight was on your legs.
"You're limping," said Blinky. "Let me see your leg."
"I don't think it's cut, I think it's just bruised from impact force."
Jim vanished the armour from the knee down on his aching leg. Blinky practically pulled it out from under Jim. Jim reeled forward and AAARRRGGHH caught him.
"Also, I'm pretty sure this is a yoga pose." Jim stuck out his arms like he was playing airplane. Toby snickered.
"You are correct that your leg isn't cut." Blinky poked and prodded at Jim's calf muscle. "Hard to tell just what condition it's in, through this material, but it doesn't seem severe enough to require that you disrobe for a more thorough examination.”
Blinky released Jim's leg and AAARRRGGHH tipped him back upright, giving Jim a gentle one-fingered tap on the top of his head as though to make sure he was properly balanced.
(Jim held down an impulse to rub his forehead against AAARRRGGHH's hand. That would be … weird. Like hugging Mr Strickler in public.)
"I thought the armour was an all-or-nothing deal," said Darci.
"No, it adjusts. I've been experimenting." Jim reconjured his leg armour and closed the helmet's faceplate. "Amazingly, I can see through this."
Reluctantly, Nomura let herself be dragged off to a coffee shop. She picked at a scone while Barbara poured out her problems, clumsily avoiding any direct mention of trolls or Changelings.
"I feel like I'm seeing things more clearly now, after talking with Walt. He explained a lot about … mmm, cultural differences. History. What I might expect from Jim, going forward. But I don't want to just base all my judgement on one source, so I wanted to talk to you, as well …"
"As fascinating as the Amulet's properties are, we have other matters to discuss. Claire has updated AAARRRGGHH and myself on certain … recent developments."
"She spilled the beans on Not Enrique," said Mary. Jim glared.
"His name is Enrique until he says otherwise. More than one person can have the same name."
Claire made a noise not unlike a growl. "He already took my brother's life, he doesn't get to keep his name, too!"
"Claire, what the heck?" said Darci. "This was not the plan!"
"Plan?" repeated AAARRRGGHH.
"We were gonna play it cool and encourage Jimbo to bring the Changeling thing up," explained Toby, "so we'd know he really had told you, like he said, and you guys weren't going to arrest him or something for it."
Blinky, standing between the rest of the group and the Forge's main entrance, stretched out his lower arms like a barrier, patting the air in a quick 'keep it down' gesture with his upper hands.
"Trollmarket at large has not been informed. It would be in Master Jim's best interests for it to stay that way." He frowned at Jim. "You arranged for Claire's younger brother to be replaced?"
"Don't sound so disappointed. This was months ago, back when I still worked for Gunmar. You hadn't even met Claire yet. Also, technically all I did was make a suggestion. I don't actually have the authority to decide who gets swapped."
"Oh – question!" Darci half-raised her hand. "If we weren't friends yet, why did you, you know … 'suggest' Enrique, specifically?"
"Mrs Nuñez is active in local politics and it's always useful to have an eye on the inside." Jim grimaced. "Sorry, that's the, ah, Changeling reason, I guess. We might not've been friends, but," he gave Claire a hopeful look, "we were at least friendly. We've done projects together, we got along. You talked about your brother so much, I thought you'd be happy he was off the menu when the Gumm-Gumms invaded and ate everyone."
"How would I possibly have known that?" She had backed up to the weapons rack but not reached for anything yet.
"Okay, that part I didn't really start thinking about until after we were friends," Jim admitted. "I had a few arguments prepped for how you'd be more useful kept alive, too, but I didn't get a chance to present them before I changed sides, so that's not relevant anymore."
"What arguments?" asked Mary.
Jim froze. He'd been exaggerating – he'd really only come up with one argument.
"I thought you guys could be … useful … for something I found out wasn't going to happen anyways. So it doesn't matter."
AAARRRGGHH must've caught on, because he stepped back, looking stricken.
"You can't just say something like that and expect us to drop it," said Claire. She had her hands on a spear now. Her back was to it, and her grip was more like she was holding a guardrail than clutching a weapon. That could change quickly.
"Well, it turns out Gunmar's primary goal is to permanently blot out the sun, which is self-defeating because then all the surface life the Gumm-Gumms want to be free to hunt is going to die off, so farming humans wouldn't work out, and –"
Jim hoped to jabber out some long string of something to bury 'farming humans' in the middle of a ramble. He didn't speak fast enough. They all gasped.
"You thought," said Claire, "I'd be grateful, that you stole my baby brother, so he wouldn't get eaten by trolls, and were keeping me alive, to have more babies, who would get eaten by trolls?"
In the interests of sustaining a genetically diverse breeding stock, they probably wouldn't all get eaten, Jim had the sense not to say.
"That," said Darci, "is literally one of the most horrific scenarios I could possibly think of."
Mary looked green. Toby was shaking his head, an expression of disgust growing on his face.
"I know I'll regret asking this but I'm not gonna be able to stop thinking about it if I don't," said Toby. He swallowed. "What about your mom?"
"All these years of secrets and sneaking around, and I want to believe he means well, and I want to understand where he's coming from, but I still get so angry thinking about it …" Barbara stirred her coffee with a biscotti. It had been in her drink for so long it was probably mush below the waterline. "What do you think I should do?"
"… Personally? I think you should let Jim come home, and go about your life pretending you never found out about any of this."
Really, what was the woman expecting from her? Nomura didn't remember volunteering to be the human's confidante.
Barbara sighed heavily and got up.
"Well, thanks for letting me vent."
"Mom's a doctor. She'd be totally useful alive."
"That's … that's messed up, dude. What made you think she'd even go along with that? I mean, what's to stop her just mercy-killing everyone?"
"Bribery," said Jim simply. "I'd go back to living as a troll full-time, and Mom could have Jay-Jay back to reward her compliance and as a hostage for future good behaviour. Which would also extend her life, because if she taught Jay-Jay medicine apprentice-style, then once she got too old to practice, he could take over, but she'd still be kept alive as his reward-slash-hostage."
"I am incredibly creeped out by how proud you sound of that plan."
"Well, I know now that it wouldn't have worked out," said Jim defensively, "but it felt totally reasonable when I came up with it." Back when he'd thought Gunmar had considered the practical concerns of running the world after taking over.
There was a rumbling noise. The Soothscryer rose and glowed.
Because of course the Ghost Council couldn't have called him in three minutes ago and let him avoid most of that conversation.
The last thing Blinky said to Jim, before Jim went into the Void, was, "This conversation is not over."
The first thing Kanjigar said to Jim, the second time Jim was in the Void, was, "I did not say that."
"Didn't say what?" Jim rubbed his head. The abrupt shift in location and topic of discussion left him with whiplash.
A vision floated in the air beside them, of Jim talking to Draal after the Trollhunter's first summoning by the Soothscryer. In the vision, Jim was claiming Kanjigar had instructed him to tell Draal that Kanjigar loved and was proud of his son, and how sorry he was for pushing Draal away.
"I did not say that," said Kanjigar sternly.
"Yeah, well, you should have. Because maybe if you'd said that to Draal while you were still alive, he wouldn't have been so damn desperate to inherit the stupid death-sentence amulet, because he'd know you valued him just as much as you valued being the Trollhunter. Forgive me for trying to give your son closure after he found out I could go chat with his dad's ghost and he wasn't invited."
"I wanted to keep Draal as far away from the amulet as possible! You have only encouraged him to endanger himself!"
"By refusing to sideline a skilled and powerful warrior for sentimental reasons?"
"You dragged my son into your fight with Bular –"
"I don't know what fight you were watching, but I did not drag Draal anywhere. He had at least two chances to run after the fight started."
"And thanks to Draal, Bular is dead." The eyes of the past Trollhunters' bodies sometimes lit up when they spoke. Deya the Deliverer, on the highest pedestal in the Forge, had her eyes glowing. "The Changelings have a point about the efficiency of fighting with backup."
"Thank you." Jim nodded to her.
"This is not why we called you here," said another Trollhunter; one who looked like Kanjigar, but had died in a fighting stance, sword in hand.
"We told you before;" this speaker had long, wavy horns that stuck out to the side, like Vendel's; "if you wish to protect your human friends, you will need to kill Bular, and Gunmar."
The wispy lights began circling Jim.
"You have defeated the son, but not the father."
"But there's no way to kill Gunmar."
"He's invincible."
"No, he's not!"
"So far as we know," the previous voice clarified.
"What do you know?"
"He may have started a cult around himself, but he's not a god," said Jim fiercely – and blasphemously, having being raised in that cult. "And besides, tons of myths involve gods being killed."
"Legend has it that Merlin found a way," said Deya. "If he did, he never told his Champions. I suggest you talk to your mentors."
Barbara knocked on the door to the Domzalski house. After a minute, she tried the doorbell. She hoped Nancy was home, and had her hearing aids on.
A cat came out as soon as the door opened wide enough. It wound itself around Barbara's ankles.
"Barbara, dear!" said Nancy warmly. "What a nice surprise."
"Hi, Nancy. Can we talk?"
"Of course. Come in. Is this about how Jimmy's been staying here for the past week? I was starting to wonder if you were out of town and I'd forgotten."
Previous Chapter (Claire tells Blinky she knows Jim’s a Changeling)
Table of Contents
Next Chapter (Jim and Strickler find out the human kids know Strickler’s a Changeling)
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transmothmun · 8 years ago
misc voltron prompts
- space pirates - blind!lance but stupidly good at pretending he isn't blind ?? someone takes him to the movies "how was it" "aha, well yasee," - photographer!lance, model!keith - not fic necessarily but cooler than me song klance??? - fucki ng spamalot au - !!!!!!!!! assassin au, lotor is a gang boss and lance is his #1 sniper, keith and shiro are rival mercenaries working for the altean gang - ok so consider: dragon age au, but instead of inquisition, it's origins. lance is the warden,,,, - allura and coran trying to make tht for trans lance - trans lance but allura thinks he's actually a girl like with pidge, shit goes wack - shance role swap including blue paladin shiro and black paladin lance bc mmm - sheith is pining after lance, lance was pining back but as per stereotype is 100% convinced he has no chance in the relationship, ends up making out w an alien at a party, sheith intervenes after "mistaking it for noncon" (they didn't they were just jealous), lance yells @ them ??? does do they make up?? who know - shy lance ??? idk what context but shy lance, that's all - also consider soulmate au w first words tattoo'd on the wrist, lance is mute/deaf/doesn't speak for whatever reason, keith is a grumpy soulmate who doesnt have a tattoo - aliens make the team forget lance (like he's unnoticeable to them, they can talk to him but have no memory of him before and forget speaking to him immediately afterwords) until he learns to appreciate himself, it goes very wrong and he ends up v self destructive, they undo it and the team panics - lance is v good at cooking, begin friendly competition between hance to cook the best meals - shiro has a nightmare and tries to wake up lance for comfort cuddles, lance has sleep paralysis (including hallucinations mb??) n shiro panics (u can totally steal this so long as u link me/tag me so i can read them) ((but yeah this is a bunch of bullshit aaa))
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nuzblog · 7 years ago
November 4th, 2017
I was pretty anxious about Misty going in, here. I remember double checking my boys, making sure my inventory has got potions and such, and frankly being pretty worried about the Misty fight. She whooped my ass something fierce on my last go around. Speaking of, I think it's pretty fun to note how consistently my deaths have been to noteworthy foes - first to the Rival, then to the first Team Rocket goon encountered, then to Misty. Based on this pattern, my next loss will probably be to... I dunno, Giovanni?
Fortunately, this concern is unfounded. I go into the battle with Misty with Horus and Minos, my fearsome twosome. Staryu is basically nothing, I flick it and it goes down. Starmie is the tough one. Horus sand attacks it and gets taken to critically low damage, so I swap out to Minos while she uses the safe turn to use an X Defend. My resistance to Water urges it to Tackle, and Minos' high defense keeps it pretty darn safe. I tail whip it twice, to discount the X Defend and weaken it further, and then start Punching, which takes it out clean.
Game progression! Hooray! I get Xuth and Lanius back from the PC. Vlad can stay there forever and rot for all I care. I love Zubat, but... it was not worth it the first time, and that choice ended up killing Gary. Gary is a dead child now, thanks to his Zubat whose name I've already forgotten. Probably like, Cartman or some garbage like that.
After getting Dig from a Rocket Goon, I am ready for a new route, finally! It has been so long since I've gotten to a place with an encounter rate I haven't actually tried to catch a Pokemon on before, and also I've had such shitearsed luck with catches this run that I'm super ready for it. I head right for that grass, excited to see what new Pokemon await me, and...!
Oh. It's a Pidgey. Well! Duplicate clause! What else we got. Bellsprout? Yeah, Bellsprout works. A little late, since I would have loved to see this beautiful thing's derpy nozzle face to help me combat Misty, but its resistance to Electric is still gonna help with Surge, and also, I absolutely adore the design of the Bellsprout line and I've never gotten the chance to use one on my team before. So I am happy to see it! I name it Penthes. The name scheme hasn't been guessed yet, by the by! If you want one of these Pokemon, you're welcome to guess.
The underground road thing has always been kind of weird to me. Like, don't get me wrong, I totally love the whole "let's dance around our big central city" thing this game does. I feel like if they did it now it'd be better and probably more story related than like, some guards are too thirsty to let people through (????) but it's neat, it's definitely better than throwing the one big city of the region at us out of the gate like Generations 5-7 have. And it's cool to have to go around this big thing in the middle, right, like... a normal walk through the Kanto region should have you going right through from Cerulean right into Saffron, but we can't go that way, so we have to go... around, right? Or under, or above. Skip Saffron, go to Vermillion.
But the underground path is so... boring? Like I know there's so many caves all the time forever, but you really could have had another Pokemon cave and just. Like, something with an encounter rate at least? Or even make it made by people, but have it also be such a suitable place for Pokemon to live that they end up nesting there anyway, and so you've got this manmade path that like, I guess if you want to be boring ol' Kanto you can put Rattata and Zubat in there, but wouldn't it be so much more interesting if creatures that were themselves sort of urban in origin lived there? Like, Grimer isn't found until Cinnabar, but it feels right at home slugging along that smooth floor. And like, since you can usually just go through Saffron anyway, nobody's really all that interested in maintaining the paths, so nobody's bugging these nests of Grimer and like, okay sure Zubats and Rattatas are there too.
Wouldn't that be nice? Not a dungeon, but a gloomy walk down a long corridor besieged by these gross poisonous monsters, instead of like... a long corridor. With no gameplay other than holding down.
There are items in there, but I don't already know where they are and I don't have the itemfinder, so I'm either gonna Google it like a cheapo, or check every tile which I super don't want to. I do want those items, but yikes on bikes am I not getting them yet.
Instead, lets emerge from this extended diatribe about the underground path by emerging from the underground path itself, like the Chilean miners rising from the underground, so too are we now freed, into Route 6! Where... the literal only Pokemon possibility is a Meowth. And finding it took a while. Like, everything else is a duplicate. So, hey... Meowth. Alright. I do find one, catch it. Its name is Maneki.
Vermillion! A new city! Mmm, breathe in that new city smell. By which I mean. Ocean. Hey, isn't it weird how Vermillion City is on the ocean, but the cycling road is between it and the ocean? Does the cycling road like, open up to let the S.S. Anne through? Is the cycling road a bridge, or is it like... on land? It's really long to be connected to nothing.
Anyway. There's an old rod here. I get it, if only to keep me from accidentally... throwing out all my money and items and Pokemon besides a Level 5 Magikarp at the Indigo Plateau and being stuck. I really don't want a Magikarp, so it's not gonna be great. Anywhere I'd be unable to catch anything but by fishing, I could wait until I've got the Good Rod or Super Rod and then come back.
Speaking of stuff I can get in Vermillion, this is where the trade for Farfetch'd occurs. However, before making this trade, I had the good sense about me to check movesets. After all, while I know Farfetch'd gets a rockin' movepool later on with things like False Swipe, Gen 1 is unfamiliar territory for me. And, as it turns out... it is pretty much just a worse Spearow in this game. Like... Farfetch'd has Sand Attack which is better than Growl, and it has Swords Dance and Slash...
Actually writing this urged me to take another look and now I'm seriously considering actually going to Farfetch'd. Like, Spearow learns Drill Peck which is nice solid STAB and Mirror Move which I'm never gonna use, but... Fly would be my STAB anyway, and now that I'm looking at it, Slash is... an underwhelming move otherwise, but might just be an integral part of my strategy in Gen 1. Get this: because of the way critical hits are checked for in Gen 1, Farfetch'd using Slash has a 15/16 chance of critically hitting. Crits might not quite be doubled, but they do turn a 70 base power move into a lawnmower that other Pokemon are fed to.
Okay there's actually more I need to look at to make this decision. Choosing a flying type for this run is gonna mean comparing three different Pokemon line's stats and move lists, so for now let's just move on and put a big fat "I don't know yet" on this Farfetch'd trade.
I didn't have the energy to go fighting the billion trainers that are now open to me, so instead I went for catching Pokemon. Diglett cave gave me a level 18 Diglett, whose name is Whaca, and Route 11 gave me that Sandshrew I wanted before, whose name is Cingu.
I then went onto the SS Anne... and found out that that healing lady on the SS Anne in the remakes isn't actually here in the original version of the game. So like. The infinite healing I wasn't worried about on the boat, is actually gonna be a huge issue - I otherwise can heal only twice to cover all of the S. S. Anne (which I need to do all of, if only because money is a limited resource) AND Lt. Surge, and he'll only give me one more heal back which I can maybe use to cover Route 11... unless I'm going back home through Diglett Cave? But running through the cave every time I need healing when there are powerful Digletts and even Dugtrios there who might kill my hurt Pokemon is a bad plan, and spending that much money on repels instead of potions when, again, money is literally limited in quantity in this game (before the Elite Four who can be fought infinitely, that is.)
A friend has suggested that I use the Gen 3 games and the lore of the SS Anne being an "all expenses paid cruise" to justify my free use of the Vermillion City Pokemon Center as long as the SS Anne is in its port, but I'm unsure if I want to go that route. On the one hand, part of the challenge as I had originally thought about it was definitely that I would be able to heal freely at the SS Anne, but part of the challenge is also that Gen 1 is weird and I don't know its weirdness all too well. Right now, I'm not sure, but I'll have to make a decision before I play next, since my boys are hurting.
Speaking of my boys, I also need to make party decisions, finally! Obviously I'm holding onto Minos. Right now the rest of my party looks like: Penthes, who I definitely want to use, and his grass type will resist Surge and generally be good type coverage for the whole game. A ground type who is gonna get me through Surge and probably also be good coverage for the whole game. Still weighing between Cingu and Whaca. Whaca I've got at a higher level, but if I'm gonna be healing freely I can just grind Cingu up fine, but jeez I haven't actually even LOOKED at their movepools and stats yet. For all I know I might be bringing both of them into Surge with me. I am more interested in using Cingu, since I don't think I've used a Sandslash before ever? Oh god it probably learns Slash too, oh god. A flying type, which, as I've covered, I'm gonna have to make a decision. Xuth, who is probably safe for now to be honest. I do always like to have a bug type on my party, since bug is my favorite type, but like... what if I get Scyther or something? Also, Confusion Butterfree will be obsolete if I were to, say, trade a Poliwhirl (who will probably be dead easy to catch someplace with a Super Rod) for a Jynx in Cerulean where I haven't caught a Pokemon yet, so I can have a Psychic type with STAB. And an open slot, which might have my spare flying type in it, or might have Maneki in it, but either way it's otherwise kind of an open slot for type coverage to fill when it becomes available.
So yeah. Big decisions, next time I play this game.
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coopdigitalnewsletter · 5 years ago
14 Jan 2020: Hello 2020. Takeaway buys Just Eat. Hiring misfits and weirdos.
Hello, this is the Co-op Digital newsletter - it looks at what's happening in the internet/digital world and how it's relevant to the Co-op, to retail businesses, and most importantly to people, communities and society. Thank you for reading - send ideas and feedback to @rod on Twitter. Please tell a friend about it!
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Hello 2020
Tesco's sales fall in challenging market. John Lewis could ditch its annual bonus for first time in 67 years. Next is doing well thanks to strong online and click-and-collect sales (or cold weather in November). Boots profit drop. Greggs sharing profit with staff. More Christmas retail winners and losers.
Retail is changing a lot as online shopping takes more market share, shopping habits change, and as high streets gradually reconfigure. There’s a sense that the middle ground (average products and services, average locations) is disappearing: products and services that rely on shoppers having poor information about price or product complexity are struggling because the internet is really good at ironing out information asymmetries like that. Product and services have to become clearer, more distinct.
Takeaway.com buys Just Eat
Dutch meal delivery co Takeaway.com is buying Just Eat for about £6 billion. It says the combined company will handle more orders than rivals Uber Eats, GrubHub and Delivery Hero, and will be second only to China’s Meituan. (Why does delivered prepared-food matter? 66% of shoppers buy prepared food items from a retail location at least three times a month.)
Elsewhere: supermarket Carrefour is buying Dejbox, whose thing is delivering lunches to office workers.
Cummings: “I don’t really know what I’m looking for”
A blog post written by the Prime Minister’s senior advisor says there are “some profound problems at the core of how the British state makes decisions” and calls for weirdos and misfits to apply for jobs. The civil service does need modernising. The landscape (digital, Brexit, ageing population, climate change etc) will need us to reset and re-make many things. So, leaving aside your political affiliations, problems at the core is reasonably correct. 
However the post also feels a bit... technophilic, thrashy, a bit internet copy-paste-y, a bit performatively clever. It’s clear that Cummings and team are smart, that they admire parts of tech startup culture (it would have been interesting if Downing Street were saying things like this when GDS started.) But it’s not so clear that they understand how institutions and culture are (re)formed, and how people are central to it all. It looks like the general approach might be to tear everything down and rebuild. Possibly including the people they hire: “I’ll bin you within weeks if you don’t fit — don’t complain later because I made it clear now.” So the 2022 confessionals of ex-employees should be interesting.
Some interesting commentary about DC’s post, all of these smart and worth a read: 
Dominic Cummings, government transformation and digital twins, by Jeni Tennison.
Inside the Clubcard Panopticon: Why Dominic Cummings’ Seeing Room might not see all that much, by Rachel Coldicutt.
The coming storm, by Paul Clarke.
Could the Cummings nerd army fix broken Britain?, by Tom Chivers.
Scale: saving time with faster logins
GOV.UK: £40 million investment to reduce NHS staff login times: 
“The investment will support projects similar to that seen at Alder Hey Hospital in Liverpool, which implemented single sign-on technology and reduced time spent logging into multiple computer systems from 1 minute 45 seconds to just 10 seconds. With almost 5,000 logins a day, it saved over 130 hours of staff time and freed up their time to focus on patient care”
That’s 130 staff hours saved every day, in one hospital. Small improvements at scale can have big outcomes (when the Co-op introduced SmartGap to help shelf re-stocking in stores, it saved 15 minutes per store daily, which adds up to 27 years and 5,000 trees saved every year).
What if mobile phone hackers sold you good customer service?
“SIM swaps” are when a hacker calls your mobile phone company, persuades them that they’re you with some of your personal information, and then has the mobile phone co point your mobile number at a new SIM card. The hacker now receives your calls and text messages and all of the one-time passwords used in two factor authentication and “forgot password” features etc. (The usual way to protect yourself from this is to put a PIN on your mobile phone account.) But:
SIM swappers are escalating. Hackers now reaching directly into AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint systems to perform SIM swaps themselves. Seen screenshots of this in action with T-Mobile and AT&T; Sprint confirmed issue.
That raises the interesting prospect of hackers adding parallel business lines. If a hacker has access to a mobile phone company’s account and customer support systems, would you pay them a reasonable fee to get faster and higher quality customer support on your mobile phone account? (And if they were offering that, would you also buy their “we promise no hacking” insurance policy?)
Predictions: “A library of mouth feels”
It’s the season of predictions for the year and the decade. Food in 2050: bacon grown on blades of grass and bioreactor chicken nuggets. Mmm, if “we can make a library of mouth feels and texture at a nanoscale”... why don’t we just grow the food inside the mouth, or in the gut? (newsletter handwaves wildly)
Also: “I am getting worried that I was perhaps too optimistic” - self-driving cars and AI predictions (a scorecard after 2 years). And a good read from Exponential View: Preparing for 2030.
Other news
Travelex was hit by ransomware at the end of 2019, locking up some systems and data. Two weeks later, they’re still using pen and paper. 
Global 5G wireless deal threatens weather forecasts. Great timing: not a great decade to be guessing what the weather’s going to be.
"Karie wants to get rid of the analytics people because she refuses to listen to polling - which she says is all slanted and biased - even though it's just been proven to be horrifically accurate" - is the Labour Party planning to bin its data analytics team? 
Here’s some hiring very un-best practice. Newsletter advice: pay interns rather than ask them to pay you! And don’t use interviews to get code for free!
Oh dear, it is 20 years since Y2K (!) and it turns out that some of the “fixes” back then merely delayed the problem.
Co-op and news and events
Progress: Own brand to be fully recyclable by the Summer – Colleague stories.
Public events, most of them at Federation House:
Profit, purpose and responsible tech - Tue 14 Jan 6pm.
Manchester WordPress user group - Wed 15 Jan 6.30pm.
Map Club Manchester - Thu 23 Jan 2020 5.30pm.
Doing Tech for Good: How can we build an active movement in Manchester? - Wed 29 Jan 6.30pm.
An Introduction to Data Ethics and the Data Ethics Canvas - Fri 7 Feb 9.00am.
Mind the Product - MTP Engage - Fri 7 Feb.
Internal events:
Engineering community of practice - Wed 15 Jan 1pm at Fed Defiant.
Co-operate show & tell - Wed 15 Jan 3pm at Fed 6 co-operate space.
Data management show & tell - Thu 16 Jan 2.30pm at Angel Sq 13th floor breakout.
Membership show & tell - Fri 17 Jan 3pm at Fed 6 kitchen.
Food ecommerce show & tell - Mon 20 Jan 10.15am at Fed 5.
Delivery community of practice - Mon 20 Jan 1.30pm at Fed house.
Health team show & tell - Tue 21 Jan 2.30pm at Fed 5 kitchen.
Targeted Marketing (CRM) and Data Ecosystem show & tell  - Wed 22 Jan 3pm at Angel Sq 13th floor breakout.
Membership show & tell - Fri 24 Jan 3pm at Fed 6 kitchen.
More events at Federation House - and you can contact the events team at  [email protected]. And TechNW has a useful calendar of events happening in the North West.
Thank you for reading
Thank you, beloved readers and contributors. Please continue to send ideas, questions, corrections, improvements, etc to the newsletterbot’s typing entity @rod on Twitter. If you have enjoyed reading, please tell a friend!
If you want to find out more about Co-op Digital, follow us @CoopDigital on Twitter and read the Co-op Digital Blog. Previous newsletters.
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tetrakys · 6 years ago
Hi. I'm not sure what you think of genderswap (cis-swap) stories but i find it interesting to write stuff where "dudebros" get turned into teenage girls or adult women. i once wrote a story where a teenage boy tries to use magic to get a date for the school prom dance, only he does not specify who is to be the female date...
Mmm... to be honest I’ve never thought about this. I can say that it’s not exactly the genre I tend to go to when I’m looking for something to read. 
However, I am THE BIGGEST fan of Ranma 1/2, I just adore everything about that story and it’s the anime that introduced me to manga. But it’s not exactly what you’re referring to, because the couple of the story is still male/female where the guy happens to turn into a girl from time to time (pretty often actually).
I recently read the summary of this manga called Boku Girl, where this pretty feminine guy gets turned into a girl by the goddess of mischief Loki and the story turns into this triangle between the protagonist, the girl he was originally in love with and his best friend who starts to catch feelings for his new female version. I haven’t read it yet but I looked up the ending (I’m a horrible person I know) and it’s really sweet.
Another story that has a similar premise is Kanojo ni Naru Hi, but I know nothing about it except for the fact that it’s just 20 chapters and that it’s a rivals to lovers which is my thing.
There is also this k-drama called Secret Garden where the male and female protagonists end up body swapping and it’s my favourite drama ever, it made me laugh, cry, swoon and laugh again because it’s just too funny. It’s not exactly gender-swapping as you meant it but it’s really good and I always recommend it to everyone.
Apart from this, I admit I am quite ignorant of the genre, in theory it’s not something I tend to go to, but my favourite drama and anime are sort of part of the list so this just prove that one should never judge a book by its cover and always give it a go first.
If you like writing these stories then I think it’s really great! There is a whole big world of fandoms out there and there’s literally something for everybody, your story sounds to be potentially very funny hope you completed it :)
0 notes
grosserfluss · 8 years ago
disclaimer : this drabble idea’s been eating at me since i woke up re: the closing of the recent arena season. can you tell i’ve been emotional about my heroes teams? haha. a couple notes: 1. since this is just written for my own enjoyment, i just use whichever names i’m most familiar with. i knew ‘tsubaki’ and ‘kamui’ first so that’s just what i’m sticking to for my own benefit. 2. tsubaki was the original member of my a-team but was recently swapped out for f!kamui, but he was with lyn, takumi, and sakura for so long ( up to they were both lvl. 40 ) that he’s still an honorable member haha 3. similarly, sakura’s been since swapped for olivia, but since she’s the one who’s been with a-team all the way, that’s why she’s here.
“Look at this, guys!”
Four heads lift from their plates simultaneously to regard her with interest, eager expressions lit by the flickering glow of the crackling campfire. They’ve all been waiting for this, and know it can only be one thing. Lyn’s grin tells them all they need to know and she’s getting excited smiles back from the rest of them before she even says anything. “We made it! We placed, uh -- ” She glances back down at the paper. “25,352nd!”
Immediately, cheering rises from the others gathered around; Sakura breaks into delighted giggles that could rival the picturesque adorableness of her namesake, and even Takumi pumps a fist into the air with a strident “yeah!”
“What a relief,” Tsubaki sighs, letting his perfectly straight shoulders slump a little as he exhales. “Even I was starting to worry our hard work would be for nothing.”
Slumping onto Takumi in relief, Kamui exhales deeply in agreement. “Yeah, that whole last day, trying to keep our heads above the 30,000 mark. I kept wondering when we’d be bumped off.”
“Not a chance,” Lyn says with a laugh, finally sitting down to hand the paper around to everyone else, careful not to let it get scalded in the fire. “We made the top 30,000! Just like I said we would. Good work, everyone.”
“Ooh, tier three now,” Kamui gasps, peering at the parchment over Takumi’s shoulder. “Dragoon? That sounds fancy.”
“We wouldn’t have made it without you coming in to help us, big sister,” Sakura offers shyly, but with a genuine, sweet little smile, earning her a like one in return and a fond pat on the head.
“Ah, Lady Sakura, what am I?” Tsubaki cuts in with a mock-offended face, only to earn a giggle from his charge.
“I-I know how much you helped too, Tsubaki,” she replies, wringing her hands slightly.
“We couldn’t have done it without all of us,” Lyn says, picking up her plate and inspecting the smoked buns and rice with interest. There’s nothing like this in her homeland, but since everyone else here is from this place called Hoshido, she might as well give their dishes a try.
Kamui doesn’t seem to have any culinary misgivings, chowing down equally on Hoshidan and Sacaean dishes alike – even mixing the two, dipping the Sacaean naan into her soy sauce and apparently deciding this is a good combination. “Yeah. Tsubaki’s still a lot better at handling swords. I mean, that double on the counterattack?” she adds through a mouthful of bread, to which Takumi makes a disapproving face.
“Sister, can you not talk with your mouth full, maybe?”
She ignores him. “And Falchions still bite.”
“Please, Lady Kamui, you flatter me too much,” the sky knight replies graciously, finally sitting down beside the others, completing the circle about the campfire.
“Well, we’re never going to be able to cover everything,” Takumi cuts in with a slight huff. “I mean, there’s only four of us.”
“That’s true. Robins are still a problem.”
“And magic users overall.”
“Guys, come on.” Lyn’s gentle chastising cuts off the criticism. “I know we still have work to do, but tonight’s for celebrating, right? We made our goal, Robins and magic users aside. We beat those too, remember? A lot of them, thanks to Takumi.”
“B-Big brother took a lot for the team . . . “ Sakura says timidly, to the slight swell of Takumi’s chest in pride.
“Yeah, well  -- ” He tries to sound nonchalant, but the pinkness on his cheeks illuminated by the fire gives him away. “If I’m the only one who can counterattack here, it makes sense for me to do it.” Though his tone continues to sound grouchy, there’s now a soft smile on his features. “I’m here to help out too, you know.”
Momentary silence descends comfortably on the group as they take to their food for several seconds, broken only a minute later by Tsubaki’s “mmm” of appreciation. “Lady Lyndis, this dish is truly spectacular. I’ve never tasted spices like this anywhere in Hoshido.”
“Oh?” Now it’s her turn to blush slightly at the praise. “I’m not much of a cook, but I tried my best. To be honest . . . I was a little nervous, since all of you are from the same place.”
“No, it’s really good! I get kind of tired of the same thing all the time, and this is something totally new! Is all food spicy like this where you come from?” Kamui blinks up at her, mouth full of naan again. “I might get thirds . . . ”
With a soft laugh, Lyn nods. “I guess we do have a taste for spice on the plains.”
“I should like to see it, sometime. Your homeland, I mean,” Tsubaki adds. “You’ve spoken of it so often, and so highly.”
Nostalgia creeps into the swordswoman’s eyes for a moment, and she gives a little half-smile. “Yes. It’s been a while since I’ve been home, too.”
“M-Maybe we can all go visit one day,” Sakura offers. “I-It sounds like a beautiful place. And . . . you’re our leader, after all.”
The others chime in with their agreement, and she blushes. “All right. After all this is done, I’ll take all of you to see the plains of Sacae.” After a pause, she continues, a little more softly. “ . . . Thank you, by the way, everyone. It’s been my honor to lead you.”
“Y-You’re not leaving, are you, Lady Lyndis?” Sakura asks, looking alarmed and as despondent as if someone had told her spring was being skipped this year.
That dissolves Lyn’s solemnity, and she laughs. “No, of course not, Sakura. And again, it’s just Lyn. You’re like a little sister to me. All of you . . . it’s been a while since I’ve felt like this with other people.”
Getting up from her seat on the log, Kamui crosses over to sit next to Lyn, putting an arm around her shoulders. “You’re like family too, Lyn. All of us here might know each other, but that doesn’t mean you’re any less important. Even Takumi thinks so, right?”
The exaggerated groan from where she’d originally been sitting indicates his reluctance to be pulled into sympathetic conversation, but then his expression softens a little, however unwillingly. “Yeah. I mean . . . “ Looking away, he crosses his arms with a quiet huff. “When we started out, I guess I didn’t think you  could do it.” A bit of an understatement, considering Lyn remembers that he had come just short of rolling his eyes every time she’d said something when they’d first started working together as a team. “I just didn’t know you, that’s all.” After a pause, he looks back at her, and Lyn recognizes, not for the first time, that when he’s not frowning, he looks much younger, and she remembers he’s only seventeen. And such an accomplished archer already. “But you’ve been a really good leader, and I don’t think we could’ve made it without you. So . . . I’ll keep supporting you, and you can count on me too.”
“Aaawww . . . “
“Ugh, sister, come on!” He only gets a series of gently teasing giggles in return from Kamui and Lyn both.
Composing herself, Lyn just nods, brushing her ponytail back over her shoulder. “Thank you, that means a lot to me. I’ll keep leading you all until I can’t anymore, and I’ll do everything I can so we can keep winning. But I need all of you with me. I can’t do it alone. To A-team?” she offers, holding out her goblet.
“To A-team!” comes the eager chorus from the rest, and she beams with with a relieved smile, grateful that they have such faith in her. As the evening grows older, the flame begins to die down, but it doesn’t seem to have much effect in the face of good food, good company, and the laughter that continues to rise from around the last simmering embers of the campfire.
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pinkpoweredpunk · 4 months ago
The Triad poses no challenge to one who doesn't need to be in the same place to fight. Agnes is in the endless expanse of desert outside of our own world, her brothers and sisters all of blistering speed and horrifying power.
Humans. Are. Nothing.
Enough of your empty threats. You can hardly pose any danger to someone on the other side of a screen.
If you have an issue with me, take it up with a member of Team Plasma. I’m returning this phone to its owner soon, and you all better not subject him to this same treatment. Arceus knows he might take it seriously…
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agnostica-fiesta-blog · 8 years ago
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0 notes
pinkpoweredpunk · 4 months ago
Ask Blake about Agnes.
I can’t. They gave my phone back and ran off.
Again. Why do I suddenly have Rotomblr on here? Whose blog is this?
3 notes · View notes
pinkpoweredpunk · 4 months ago
You should probably say good things about Agnes, she is watching after all.
Hi! Who is this? Actually, since when did I have Rotomblr? Why the fuck would Blake download this onto my phone.
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pinkpoweredpunk · 4 months ago
Fucking. FINALLY. Found him. Remind me to never get a social media.
2 notes · View notes
pinkpoweredpunk · 4 months ago
Well do you believe me now? Like, I saw that note manifest from here.
[Ask deleted.]
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pinkpoweredpunk · 4 months ago
【Poochyena】 - Are you a morning person or a night person?
Night. The world gets so much quieter.
Charlie very much prefers the day, though, which means I don’t often have the pleasure of going out at night.
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